Church Plant Chat
Hearing & learning from UK based Church Planters & Leaders about their experiences with Church Planting/Leadership; equipping emerging leaders/planters with wisdom from those who have gone before them with lessons they've learnt along the way! Email: churchplantchat@gmail.com We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram - simply type in @churchplantchat
51 episodes
Journal of a Church Planter: 7) Snippets
Concluding the Journal of a Church Planter, Paul Pavlou shares the value he has found in journaling, reflecting with Helen Shannon on the importance of prayer for the planter.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here:
Season 4
Episode 46

Journal of a Church Planter: 6) Sunrises
'Sunrises' sees Paul Pavlou share with Helen Shannon some of the uplifting moments of church planting, where the light of God has broken through in small, unexpected ways.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here:
Season 4
Episode 45

Journal of a Church Planter: 5) Shadows
In 'Shadows', Paul Pavlou opens up on some of the tougher experiences in his church planting journey, and God's consistent faithfulness.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here: https://...
Season 4
Episode 44

Journal of a Church Planter: 4) Shaping
In this episode, Helen Shannon and Paul Pavlou reflect on how the process of planting saw Paul himself being shaped by God in ways he didn’t expect.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here:
Season 4
Episode 43

Journal of a Church Planter: 3) Scaffold
In this episode, Paul Pavlou highlights the balance needed to put structures - or scaffolding - in place for planting, while staying attentive to God’s voice and being sensitive to others in a new context.To buy the book ‘Journal of a C...
Season 4
Episode 42

Journal of a Church Planter: 2) Scouting
In this episode, Paul talks honestly on the challenges and doubts he experienced during his curacy, seeking to follow God’s call to plant.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here: https:...
Season 4
Episode 41

Journal of a Church Planter: 1) Setting the scene
In this episode, Helen Shannon introduces Paul Pavlou, discovering where Paul’s church planting journey began.To buy the book ‘Journal of a Church Planter’, go here: https://amzn.eu/d/9usfcjZ<...
Season 4
Episode 40

Planting with Hayley: Highs & Lows
This is the final episode of the Planting with Hayley mini series where we discuss the highs and lows of our planting journey so far.
Season 3
Episode 39

Planting with Hayley: Being family on mission
In this episode we chat about living life as Church Planters with young children. Together we explore some of the positives and challenges of this, working it out as we go along!
Season 3
Episode 38

Planting with Hayley: Rhythm's & Relationships
In this episode we discuss some of the rhythm's we've created out of stress points we've encountered in Church Planting. We also chat about how as we've changed, our relationships have changed too and we process what that's been like along the ...
Season 3
Episode 37

Planting with Hayley: Leading Together
In Episode 2 of this mini series ‘Planting with Hayley’, we ‘externally process’ what it’s been and is like to lead together. We are very much working this out as we go and it seems to keep changing with each season we enter. It has proven...
Season 3
Episode 36

Planting with Hayley: Discerning the call
This is Episode 1 of our 'Planting with Hayley' mini series! In this mini series Paul and Hayley Pavlou unpack what their church planting journey has been like, but with a focus point on Hayley and her perspective as the spouse of ...
Season 3
Episode 35

Practising Prayer with David Vincent
In this final episode of season 2, David Vincent unpacks the practise of prayer in the life of a planter and the church they are planting.
Season 2
Episode 34

Church revitalisation planting with Andy Gardner
In this episode Andy Gardner reflects on his time planting with Soul Survivor in years gone by as well as reflecting on what he is learning now in his current Church revitalisation project. He speaks into embracing the traditional with the mode...
Season 2
Episode 33

Parenting & Planting: Rachel Turner (Parenting for faith)
Rachel Turner brings her expertise to the Podcast and shares pure wisdom into the topic of how we parent and disciple our children well as Church Planters/Leaders. We cover things from conversations round the breakfast table to how to structure...
Season 2
Episode 32

Planting from an Archdeacon's perspective: Archdeacon Adam Atkinson
Archdeacon of Charing Cross, Adam Atkinson, unpacks his journey of church planting/revitalisation and how he helped one church embrace different traditions as part of their growing well together. Adam takes us through his learnings as a church ...
Season 2
Episode 31

Matt Hooper: The Life of a Planter
Matt Hooper opens up about his experiences in planting Kingdom Company Church with his wife Clare. Along with reflecting on some of the key leadership differences in planting verses his previous church experience, Matt lets us in to some of the...
Season 2
Episode 30

Daniel Sih: Making space for the Spirit as we plant churches
Daniel Sih, Senior leader at Together Church in Hobart (Tasmania) talks about their journey throughout the Covid Pandemic and how after years of toiling and waiting God suddenly opened up a global opportunity to plant churches digitally around ...
Season 2
Episode 31

Clare Hooper: Planting digitally & Kingdom Company Church
In this episode Clare Hooper (who amongst many other things) has planted Kingdom Company Church with her husband Matt. Their plant, like all church plants, has a unique story and incredible digital beginnings through Instagram!
Season 2
Episode 29

Alex Rayment: Penny Lane Church, the story so far...
In this episode Alex Rayment shares with us the journey Penny Lane Church Plant has been on since June 2020 to present day in June 2021! Within the episode Alex covers a range of experiences and shares fantastic stories of God at work in his ow...
Season 2
Episode 28

Bella Mutevelian: What is it like to join a church plant?
In this episode we chat with Bella about 'what is is like to join a Church Plant'! Bella unpacks: the challenges that come with moving out of your comfort zone and going from a large Resource church to a bra...
Season 2
Episode 27

Tom Allsop: Planting & Planting again!
In this episode we chat to Tom Allsop who with his wife Abi have recently left one church plant (Catch the Fire London - which they helped to plant) in order to plant a new church (Catch the Fire 3 Rivers). Within the episode Tom s...
Season 2
Episode 26

Minister Madge Obaseki: Healthy church planting
In this Special Guest episode we speak to Minister Madge Obaseki. Minister Madge is an ordained minister and CEO of 'Grow the Church now'. She is known as the Healthy Church Growth advocate. Madge works in churches small & medium no matter ...
Season 2
Episode 25

Thinking about Leadership
In this episode we are chewing over a few questions on leadership, primarily leadership in a Church Planter's world using the following questions: What leadership lessons have we learnt from Lockdown? How is Church Planting leadersh...
Season 2
Episode 24

Getting to know you (Season 2 starts)
The start of Season 2 is here! Join Paul & Malcolm as they tell us a bit about who they are, what's happened since Season 1, the vision for Season 2, and what we can look forward to in upcoming episodes. We also spend a little b...
Season 2
Episode 23